Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So it's been usual...

I am not very good at keeping up with this whole blogging thing, I'm trying though..We just got back from Hershey Park! We spent two nights camping at Hershey's Highmeadow a tent!!! We met my mom and my step dad and my brother and his girlfreind there. We had a really good time at Hershey and Chocolate World but monday morning we woke up soaking wet in our tent and now I'm washing EVERYTHING because it all got wet. That part of the trip wasn't that fun. Keith and I argued all the way home because I didn't want to drive...very scary for me but he wasn't feeling well and he didn't want to drive and the weather was really bad so what should have taken us about 3.5 hours took about 4.5...but we got home fine. Glad we did something nice for the kids before summer is over...

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Cute page! The kiddos look cute as always... makes me wanna go on a vaca... LOL

Keith, Jaimee, Caleb and Cassidy