Friday, April 18, 2008

Caleb's First Game

Well Caleb's first game of the season was yesterday! He was thrilled and out of control as usual but the coach this year is really good with the kids and I think that Caleb may actually learn a lot if he pays attention. For the game he played 2nd base and it's tball but the coach pitches to the kids that can hit without the t. So it's going really well so far! He made a great catch at second and threw a perfect throw to first base and the first basemen caught it for an out! It was great!! He was sooo happy that we were all so excited that he ran all the way to the pitcher''s position to get the next ball to do it again!! lol

Friday, April 11, 2008

Great news today!

Well I guess it isn't exactly great news yet but it's a start! I found out today that my school district just got a grant to open pre-kindergarten classes for the next year! I have been waiting for these for a couple years and I just am soo happy that it happened this year, because you have to be 4 by Dec 1st and well Cass just turned 4! Perfect timing right!!!??? I'm so excited at the thought of getting a few hours a day to myself to do whatever I like and also so excited that Cassidy will beable to start "school" earlier and learn some social skills before she starts kindergarten! I feel like it's a great opportunity for our entire family! As much as I love being a stay at home mom, I'm ready for a break!!!!!!!!!! The only downfall is that it's a random process so if she doesn't get chosen I'll still be in the same place for another year and a half but it's worth a shot!!! Pray for us!!!! :)
Keith, Jaimee, Caleb and Cassidy