Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So Caleb had his first day of basketball on saturday. He really loved it! It was kinda funny to see the kids running all around not knowing what they are suppose to be doing but loving every second of it! Caleb was a ball hog as expected..it was hard to talk to him about it because I felt like the other kids on his team were letting him be the ball hog but I know it bothered the parent's of the other kids because I heard them talking about it in the stands. So we had a little discussion in the car about having to share and not taking the ball away from teammates!!! lol But it was fun..Cassidy couldn't stand just sitting there watching Caleb have fun! She kept interupting the game to get a hug from Caleb and everyone around said " do they do that all the time?"..My answer was yes, they are very loving to eachother and sometime's I have to remember there is only a 3 yr age difference between them. Don't get me wrong they spend a lot of time fighting as well but Caleb isn't allowed to leave for school unless he gives Cass a hug and kiss before he goes. And I often wake up in the morning to find Cassidy all snuggled up to him in the morning!! It's really cute..they love eachother!! Guess it could be worse!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cute blog!! I love the little stories about Caleb and Cass! They are so darn cute!!
Talk to you later,

Keith, Jaimee, Caleb and Cassidy