Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas eve and Christmas morning

playing in the first snow:)

Christmas pics

Our Niece Arianna

Halloween 2008

On Halloween this year we met up with a few friends to go around the neighborhood, the kids loved it!

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin Carving...Caleb hates it, thinks it's gross and Cassidy dives right in! lol

Apple Picking

Family Apple Picking Day

Cassidy's field trips

Alexa (her best friend) and Cassidy

Cassidy had her first field trips this year first she went apple picking and then they went to pick pumpkins! She loved it!
The AM and the PM class together Amelia, Phillip, Cassidy

Picking apples with Amelia

Waiting to go pick apples:) and the pond at the farm

Pre k is working

I didn't know that she could do this and one day I was upstairs and she was talking to herself and I overheard her so I asked her to do again so that I record it..surprise, surprise prek does work!

An update in pics....

Caleb played his first year of soccer this

This was the first day of school for the kids..Caleb second and Cass prek

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back in the blogging world!

Well it's been a really long time since I've posted on here! Just a little update for you..Cassidy is loving preschool and I'm loving that she is going to preschool! She is doing really well and now they are learning their last names..poor girl has the hardest name in the class! So we will be working on that at home! Caleb is doing well in second grade, it's always a little struggle with him but he's trying hard and his reading is improving. As for me I started working two days a week at a restaurant to help out with the bills and to also have time to be me! I'm loving it so far! Keith has just been working a lot as usual. We are excited for the new year and actually hope to make it to Washington D.C. this spring for a family trip! I really need to post some updated pics and I will in my next post. I'll just mush a bunch together so we can catch up!

Keith, Jaimee, Caleb and Cassidy